Survey learners - Before a programme or course begins, survey learners to identify their specific needs such as levels of ability, access to technology and broadband data. Surveys enable learners to say what they think, feel and need. Google Forms and Microsoft Forms are easy to use options.


Run wellbeing assessments – An increasing number of online wellbeing assessment tools are available. These enable learners to easily communicate how they are going, and in turn support training providers and tutors in implementing regular check-ins and monitoring learners’ wellbeing. Skodel is one example being rolled out in schools across New Zealand.


Bring family and whānau on the journey - Some learners benefit from having family involved in their learning journeys to help support and motivate them. Apps such as TalkingPoints provide platforms to engage families. In food and fibre sector training programmes, platforms like TalkingPoints can be repurposed to connect with a learner’s employer, training advisors, or other mentors.


Check out the Code of Practice - The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice for tertiary learners and international students came into effect in 2022. This page is for education providers who have obligations under the code. A series of short ‘Know the Code’ videos outline the support that domestic tertiary and all international learners can expect for their wellbeing and safety while studying, including online.


Create awareness of student networks and support services - Ensure learners know about and have access to support services and networks. Universities have student unions and networks, but for vocational pathway learners these services are less obvious.

One-to-one or small group sessions were helpful for learning and finding out what was going on with students so we could assist them.
